Leveling the playing field for homeowners, providing unbiased information, educating homeowners, ridding the industry of quick-buck artists and slashing costs are the goals of ModifyLoansFree.org. ModifyLoansFree.org encourages homeowners to use every available tool to modify their mortgage for little or no cost while bypassing the middleman. A Real American Stimulus Package”.
“There is no secret formula loan modifications companies follow to modifying a home loan. Any informed and motivated homeowner with the proper tools and support can modify their mortgage loan for a fraction of the cost and with less stress than hiring a loan modification company,” says Scott Edward, the driving force behind ModifyLoansFree.org.
Additionally Edward says, “Managing a loan modification company with a broker model and law office processing for the last 11 months, we have watched in disbelief as some of the same participants who enriched themselves at the expense of the nation and homeowners are now profiting again by posing as the solution to the problem”.
“Enough is enough! ModifyLoansFree.org was developed with the express intent of providing all homeowners the leverage, knowledge, tools and practical steps necessary to dramatically increase their chances of obtaining a beneficial, realistic loan modification, regardless of their ability to pay a modification company. This is not as complex a transaction as the so called experts would lead you to believe. However, do not expect your lender to look out for your best interest. Educate yourself and negotiate from a position of knowledge and if, possible, leverage,” says Mr. Edward.
The ModifyLoansFree.org site allows registered users to create a Professionally Prepared, Bank Ready Loan Modification Package including instructions and helpful hints, Free of Charge and is available to every homeowner in America.
This new and unique system will revolutionize the Loan Modification industry. It will provide every homeowner in need the opportunity to apply for a loan modification, without the constraint of paying huge up-front fees to questionable companies. Simply go to http://www.modifyloansfree.org/ to get started on your FREE Bank Ready Loan Modification Package.
The much anticipated public release of this new system is scheduled for Friday, June 12th at 12 noon PST.
ModifyLoansFree.org feels that the time has come for a company to put human interest before profits and become a practical advocate for homeowners trying to find their way out of an unmanageable mortgage payment. Underperforming loan modification companies which charge huge fees, overpromise and under deliver, an unrepentant banking and mortgage community, well meaning but reactionary legislation and counseling agencies whom are compensated and therefore beholden to the banks have by any reasonable analysis become part of the problem and bewilder most homeowners.
ModifyLoansFree.org seeks to help any homeowner in America obtain a beneficial mortgage loan modification by offering FREE assistance in the form of a self completed Bank Ready Loan Modification submission package. They can provide you with a way out and help put you back on track to affordable mortgage payments WITHOUT the average $1,500 to $5,000 price tag charged by some attorneys, attorney backed groups, mortgage brokers, real estate agents and loan modification companies, whom are simply interested in lining their own pockets at the expense of millions of homeowners in America. In fact, ModifyLoansFree.org has received almost universal acceptance by many in the mortgage, real estate and legal professions whom also despise the huge fees and shoddy practices that seem so prevalent in the loan modification industry. These outstanding organizations are providing no cost and low cost services to their own client base as part of the ModifyLoansFree.org “Homeowners Advocate Partner Program”.
In addition to their Free Bank Ready Loan Modification Package, ModifyLoansFree.org can provide other NO Cost (Free) and low cost educational material, tools and support services at up to an 80% discount off industry prices. They can assist you in obtaining a Comprehensive Forensic Mortgage Loan Document Audit, Produce the Note Demand, Step-By-Step Loan Modification Manual as well as Support Services and Consultation at multiple levels. In order to receive a FREE Bank Ready Loan Modification package, simply go to: http://www.modifyloansfree.org.
The FREE Bank Ready Loan Modification Package includes a cover letter, comprehensive modification proposal, debt analysis, hardship letter, instructions and helpful hints on submitting the package to the bank or mortgage company’s loss mitigation department. Homeowners can complete the application and print their Bank Ready Loan Modification Package in about 15 minutes. This will expedite the process by providing their lender with a complete package including all supporting documentation and required information up front, so that they can review the file and make an informed decision about the modification. Because the proposals are presented in a professionally organized fashion, lenders are more apt to say yes to a modification agreement.
There is a need for action to assist homeowners in America. ModifyLoansFree.org offers genuine assistance free of charge.
Media Contact Information – ModifyLoansFree.org, is a consumer education and support service formed for the purpose of facilitating homeowner directed loan modifications with the help of inside industry information, tools and support. Media Contact: Scott Edward info@modifyloansfree.org 1-800-506-0164 Ext. 207, 11801 Pierce Street, Suite 200, Riverside, California 92505.
Jun 23, 2009
ModifyLoansFree.org Provides a Free Bank Ready Loan Modification Package to Every Homeowner in America
by: Scott Edward
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